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Old 07-18-2005, 03:52 PM
sdplayerb sdplayerb is offline
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Default Re: Results

i think a lot more people make the play with AK, like a ton of people do.
Some just call with JJ.
I do think his call was fine as the stacks were not deep and his blinds were coming up.

I do think it is all somewhat close overall between pushing, calling and reraising to 3K-3,500.
But in this situation I like mine the best.
I was just trying to give you an alternative way to play it, and my reasoning why.

If I did the original raise with QQ or JJ, I am calling a push in a flash. To the reraise I stated, I am pretty scared there. AA and KK seem the most likely there.
But again, this works against players with a clue.