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Old 07-18-2005, 02:36 PM
bicyclekick bicyclekick is offline
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Default Re: Thinking of life in terms of opportunity cost.

i think that early in the stages of a players professional poker career they start analyzing everything compared to opportunity costs. i went through this phase myself. its natural to view things this way when learning to apply concepts such as equity, especially when the excitement of making the kind of money many poker players are making begins to happen.

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This is pretty accurate. I used to do this a ton, but after awhile it just gets less in the front of your mind. I don't really ever compare fun activities to making money when choosing to go out with friends my brain doesn't even think "damn i'm giving up tons of money to go out." but when those dishes need cleaning and I don't want to do them, my mind quickly thinks of how i'd love to pay somebody to do it so I don't have to and can play poker.

I used to think about it with friends and that's not cool. You'd be suprised how much more 'peaceful' of a pro you'll be when you don't really care. Probably getting in way less hands this way though hehe.

I think another key thing is if you are actually playing poker instead of doing the things you say. If you're just sitting on your ass, well then you really aren't doing yourself any good, unless of course you would have sat on your ass that 30 minutes anyhow including the time spent doing the other activity...well then it is saving you time and money.
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