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Old 07-18-2005, 01:40 PM
ohgeetee ohgeetee is offline
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Default Re: Anyone change their view of Hellmuth?

What amazed me most was hearing him commentate without pimping his goods every other sentence. I listened for a few hours, mainly during the period of him and harmon, him and ferguson, and him and lindgren. he was tactful most of the time, and enjoyable to listen to.

I was surprised at how seldom he got odds correctly, not even counting the TT vs AK 13:10 BS. It does rationalize how he could put 77 in his top ten hands list though.

He was still so full of himself that he never realized when people were giving him some backhanded jabs right in front of his face. You can really tell he is a nice guy that simply has a lot of ego/self control issues.

Another semi annoying thing is how he kept insisting his prior predictions came true, whent he initial 'predictions' weren't even close to as accurate as he claimed after they happened.

Overall, he did a fine job, and it was nice seeing him seem to genuinely hate seeing runner runner suckouts, even when its not against him. Even though thats poker, it never hurt anyone to call a suckout a suckout.

I haven't seen lederer do any commentary in awhile, but I would be especially curious to see these two guys together, both for the good mix of strategy/pseudo reads, and to see how howard deals with phil's slight beligerance.
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