Thread: Abortion
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Old 07-16-2005, 09:43 PM
Spladle Master Spladle Master is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 374
Default My Argument

This statement[ QUOTE ]
I don't expect any replies because there will be nothing to argue about when I'm done.

[/ QUOTE ]is clearly wrong. I take issue with this claim:[ QUOTE ]
First of all as to whether abortion is "wrong". Well of course it is. And everybody knows it. The only reason it is not always stated explicitly is because when people argue they often hate to concede even obvious points. But when you stop and think about it you realize that absolutely everybody feels bad about an abortion. Those who argue it should be legal, do to. They simply feel that the arguments for making abortions legal override any other arguments for making it illegal. They realize that at least some of the opposing arguments have merit even if they don't say it.

[/ QUOTE ]I argue that abortion is not "wrong." In fact I don't even think this should be up for debate.
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