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Old 07-16-2005, 02:41 PM
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Default Re: Still wrong-o


Islam ITSELF is intolerant towards others. The *ideological basis* of Islam is intolerant towards others.

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Yeah, yeah, yeah, and the Bible says you can sell your daughter, whores should be stoned, and when "God" tells you to off someone you'd damned well better do it.

I seem to recall something about glass houses that seems particularly relevant in this thread.

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That would be relevent if there were a series of stonings against women, offings and selling of daughters in the western world all which was supported by a large segment of the bible following religions. However there isn't. There is a growing number of violent attacks originating in the Islamic world against the non Islamic world.

There may be other interpretations possible but currently this particular intrepretation is a problem and it is naive to pretend that the Islamic religion itself is not a part of that problem.

I don't think it is out of line to A) indentify these teachings as being out there B) identify that they are being used to justify terrorist attacks and C) tell the Islamic world that if they do not take it upon themselves "clean up" their religion on their own then we the rest of society will at somepoint pose the question is culture of Islam as tought in the muslem world compatible with our culture.

That being said I think if the illegitimate governments were in some way removed power and the people had basic freedoms things would be much different.
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