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Old 07-16-2005, 02:18 PM
ACPlayer ACPlayer is offline
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Default Re: Still wrong-o

That is why the Koranic choices to be given to infidels is: to convert to Islam, to submit to Islamic rule and pay a special tax, or to be killed. T

[/ QUOTE ]

This is AN interpretation of the Koran for "infidels" living in Islamic states. The Koran clearly requires that living in peace with peaceful neighbours be practiced, that war was to by undertaken only to defend Islam. The Koran also clearly protects societies and people that are of the book.

Your information sources pick and choose quotes, and interpret them in order to reach predefined conclusions. You reliance of sources like MEMRI is one example (your other linked sources are no less propagandist in nature) of tainted sources.

Militant and extremist Islam are, like all fundamentalists, a danger to free societies.

Some day, perhaps, just perhaps, you will open your mind.
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