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Old 07-16-2005, 08:34 AM
SheetWise SheetWise is offline
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Default Re: Newsweek: Rove was the leaker

Joe Wilson started this ball rolling when he came out publicly stating he had been sent to Niger by the Vice President (false). He then claimed he had written a report (false), that the VP had reviewed the (non-existent) report (false), and that his report had conclusively determined the President lied (again, false). We can get that timeline and conclusion even from the 911 Commission.

Joe Wilson took every opportunity to tell these lies, and the press willingly obliged him. Was there a way to correct the record without mentioning Wilsons wife, and the incestuous nature of the trip? Did Wilson expect that he could make his claims because it would be illegal to mention the truth about his wife? I don't know. What is clear is that when Rove was questioned about Wilsons claims, he told the reporter not to go out on a limb with the Wilson story, and that he had heard it was his wife who sent him. That is hardly enough information to 'out' a deep cover operative, and it was by his own notes given to him as 'background' -- that he should consider the information when deciding how much credibility to give Wilson. Besides, there is no information that Plame was working covertly, had cover, or ever tried to hide what she was doing.
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