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Old 07-15-2005, 04:40 PM
gumpzilla gumpzilla is offline
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Default Re: How do atheist\\scientists account for Thomas Aquinas?

Please define non locality.

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Say I have two entangled spins in the state |10> + |01>. If I measure spin A and find it to be 0, quantum mechanics tells me that if I measure spin B I must find it to be 1 (provided that I do the measurement quickly enough so that the wavefunction doesn't begin spreading, blah blah blah.) The separation of A and B don't matter, and the collapse is instantaneous. So it allows for faster-than-light influences, which is what nonlocality means in this context. The reason usually cited why this isn't so worrisome is that while there are correlations between the measurements, it takes classical information transfer between the two measurers to perceive these correlations, and so you can't use this property to do things that special relativity should forbid you to. It's a slightly dodgy argument. maurile's link looks interesting; I have a strong distaste for many-worlds, though.
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