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Old 07-15-2005, 04:15 PM
ThisHo ThisHo is offline
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Default Re: Good or Bad for Poker if Matusow Wins??

people have different views of drugs, don't just assume your view is correct and everyone should conform to it.

[/ QUOTE ]

fair enough, but it is illegal and Mike did supply them, thus he went to jail. The point that he wasn't selling to kids is a fair distinction and should be kept in mind, but he did in fact BREAK THE LAW. My point is that the circumstances around his "distribution" won't help any if the US Senate decides to make him the poster boy for all things wrong with poker.

Yes the guy is an entertaining inteview, but the antics at the table that are reported and shown on TV are generally over the top. I'm NOT looking forward to watching his verbal jousting from yesterday with the "Iron Sheik". People emulate success - I don't want to sit at a poker table with 5 "Mouth" impersonators who think its ok to tell me I have little nuts, who taunt and goad at me.

All that said... I'm not rooting against Mike. All reports seem to indicate that he is playing GREAT poker right now, and if he's playing better than the rest of the table, I hope that he wins it.

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