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Old 07-15-2005, 11:18 AM
just2ska just2ska is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Rhode Island
Posts: 80
Default Re: Phillips\' wonder drug (also posted on WPT forum)

I don't quite see the reason for your aggression towards me, but if you would like a discussion in detail, here you go...
Amphetamines exert there effect through a variety of mechanisms. For the sake of discussion we will use cocaine as an example. Cocaine exerts it effect through the mediation of neurotransmitters, primarily dopamine and nor-epinephrine. These neurotransmitters are metabolized by 3 mechanisms: 1)degradation by specific enzymes, 2)diffusion away from the neuro-synapse, and 3)pre synaptic re-uptake. Cocaine, and most amphetamines exert their effect by primarilay inhibiting pre-synaptic reuptake, thereby leaving and excess of dopamine and nor-epi at the synaptic junction. This in turn leads to an over stimulation of the alpha adregernic nervous system. The majority of the effects of these drugs (both good and bad) are related to this alpha adregernic effect. Provigil, on the other hand, is an enantiomer (a structural mirror like image) of a sympathetic-amine, therby making it an amphetamine like substance. The exact pharmacology of this drug is really unknown. It does not seem to directly effect either dopamine or nor-epi. It likely works by decreasing GABA related neurotransmission, an effect not demonstrated by the amphetamines, however this effect has not been clearly demonstrated either.
The majority of reported effects of this drug are in regards promoting wakefullness. Like I said earlier, it has been reported to produce euphoria. It has addictive properties also. It's current indications are for narcolepsy, and sleep disorders associated with shift work. It is used off-label for obstuctive sleep apnea/obesity-hypoventilation syndrome and ADHD.

As for my qualifications to discuss the subject, I am a physician and associate professor of Internal Medicine on the teaching faculty at 2 hospitals. I am double board certified in both internal medicine, as well as hospice and palliative care (of which there are currently only about 2000 physicians nationwide with this certification). I have been named the Teaching Attending of the year twice by the residencies that I teach at. I have had mutiple media apperances (TV, radio, and newspapers) for medical related issues. I have served as an expert witness in court multiple times. In addition to owning my own medical practice, I also serve as the medical director of a large university, overseeing the college health service. I have given multiple lectures specifically on the effects of amphetamines, so forgive me if I feel qualified to discuss the subject.
The one thing I am not qualified to discuss is what this drug is actually like to take, as I never have. You have apparently had experience with it. If you care to report your experience with the drug, I feel that is fine. However it is a personal experience, and this drug clearly is not something to be taken inappropriately. Your comments in the article may be interpreted by some as this drug being good for things it is not really indicated for. Only you can comment on what your indications for it were, and what additional effects you may have gotten from it, but I would hate to see people mis-interpreting your statement as an endorsement for its use for things like improving your chance in poker tourneys.

You have been very successful in life, and now so in poker also. Wether or not you wanted it, you are a public figure whom some people may look up to. Your comments in the article could be taken the wrong way by some. My response to the OP was only meant to provide some objective info and was not meant to upset anyone, including yourself.

I may suck at poker, but this stuff I know cold-

Good luck @ the big one, hope it works out for ya-

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looks like someone was trolling around on google... [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]
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