Thread: College
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Old 07-14-2005, 08:57 PM
Dan Rutter Dan Rutter is offline
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Default Re: College

What I did, kind of, is deciding what my top three choices of majors would likley be. I then got catologs on any schools I thought I would be interested in attending. If you are going to a school that is in a State School System they may have some catalogs that combine all the schools in the system together. Looking at this you can see what schools offer what your interested in. So it would list like Major A, Major B, Major C. School X offers A, and C not B. School Y offers A and B, not C, and so on. Otherwise each school will have their own catolog, or you can look it up at the university's website. So then you can narrow down the list of schools your interested in, to ones that offer degrees your interested in. Then go out and visit the schools, and see what they offer. You can get an idea what it is like on campus, and if there will be activities and stuff that interest you.
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