Thread: HULA 3
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Old 07-14-2005, 04:40 PM
Grisgra Grisgra is offline
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Posts: 715
Default Re: HULA 3

What's the biggest challenge in setting this up? Is it finding a place to play? Not sure how that's handled (the 0.01/0.02 at PS is often full).

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Paradise Poker has free HU Play Money tables w/ SB=button.

The biggest challenge is getting people to play their scheduled matches in a timely manner.

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One way to handle this might be that a prize pool gets created (everyone chips in, say, $20, or $50), and anyone who finishes all of their matches gets half of that back. Anyone who misses only one gets a quarter, anyone who misses more than one gets booted from the seeding and gets nothin'. All extra $$ goes into the prize pool.

?? I'm sure I must be missing something. Obviously, the main problem being that if donks X and Y can't find to play a game, X will probably blame Y, and Y will probably blame X. Only solution: if the participants can't work it out, then I state the time that the match will be played (i.e., next Wednesday, midnight), and whoever shows up is considered blameless.

Was that the only problem? (I'm sure it was significant, but wondering if there were any others.)
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