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Old 07-14-2005, 03:44 PM
Beavis68 Beavis68 is offline
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Default Re: learning pot limit?

I learned to play PL before any other form.

Most of the time, for decent players there isn't too much difference in ring between NL and PL. It actually is very good for teaching skillful NL play, as you cannot just shove all-in for 5x the pot.

Drawing hands pick up value, because by nature, the game is very implied odds driven. You can usually see a flop for a decent price, and if you and your opponent are decently stacked, you can see the turn for a reasonable portion of your stack with the ability to get a BIG raise in on the turn and river.

There isn't a lot written that shows a good differeniation between the two. NL concepts generally apply, but you have less worry of getting completely blown off a pot on the flop, and you can't make dramatic semi-bluff moves on the flop.
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