Thread: Steve Dannenman
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Old 07-14-2005, 09:56 AM
UMTerp UMTerp is offline
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Default Re: Steve Dannenman

"And although it's not part of the strategy, while his opponents are sipping spring water and Coke, Dannenmann is standing at his table yelling, "Cocktails!"

He likes Bloody Marys with a rim of Old Bay seasoning. Lot's of 'em. For a time Tuesday night, he had one drink in his hand and two at his feet."

"And although his opponents sometimes stewed, Dannenmann defused some of the annoyance with an affable, aw-shucks demeanor, occasionally rooting for players with whom he faced off in showdowns. Whenever a new player sat down, Dannenmann was a one-man Welcome Wagon extending his hand, "Hiya, I'm Steve. What's your name? Where ya from?"

While table tension mounted, Dannenmann would rummage through a plastic shopping bag of odds and ends, once pulling out a book on Zen philosophy to the delight of onlookers.

So far, the off-beat, sometimes loony approach has worked.

"Look, I'm a bad player; I know that," Dannenmann said on a break between sessions during another 12-hour day of poker Tuesday. "The only way I have any chance here is to get the table on-tilt.""

Complete Baltimore Sun Article

He sounds kinda obnoxiouis actually... ESPN will probably love him though.
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