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Old 07-13-2005, 01:36 PM
MrDannimal MrDannimal is offline
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Default Re: pet peeve rant - \'I put you all in\'

In situations where it truly doesn't matter, I don't have a problem with it.

It's quicker to say "I put you all in" (which, as you pointed out, isn't literal) than to ask for a chip count and then declare that amount as the bet. Presumeably, you know how much you have, and thus you (the only person that matters at this point) know exactly how much the bet you would need to call is.

In this particular case, the old guy did both (thus not saving any time), so it's kind of lame. Overall, though, it's not a big deal.

Online, it's a no-win. For every person like you who doesn't like someone betting exactly what the opponent has when heads up, there's another who gets upset when the player with more chips pushes all in when they could have just bet what the other guy had.
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