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Old 07-12-2005, 11:14 PM
SNOWBALL138 SNOWBALL138 is offline
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Default Re: I think we fear it can all go away...

Great post! This is an interesting topic, and I was discussing it with my therapist this morning.

I got hit by the wrath of god lastnight at limit hold em. 2 pair vs. set. Set vs. straight, straight vs flush, everyone folds to my aces, my kings run into aces, my aces get beaten by kings, and after that beaten by queens etc, etc, etc, etc yada yada yada nothing you haven't seen before.

Even though I took an unholy, evil loss lastnight, my therapist thinks that what really bugs me is the idea of not playing well. I think he's totally correct. The reality is that even with that loss, I am still well in the black just counting the 3 days b4 it.

All those beats in a row, or failed high % moves we make going bad in a row make us wonder how we ever won in the first place. Lastnight, I got my flopped set beaten one time by a runner runner gutshot 1 card str8. My very next set also lost to a 1 card straight.
When things like this are all happening at once we feel like it could go on forever.

Anyway, no one should care about my 1 bad night, and I don't want or deserve anyone's sympathy for losing (I am in the black, and well B-Rolled). If you guys shouldn't care about my bad night, then why should I?

I just wanted to say that its hard to not lose your confidence when you identify winning with your ego.
This is a problem a lot of people have.
Sorry if this came off like a bad beat post.

Anyway, best of luck keeping your chin-up in the downtimes.
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