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Old 07-12-2005, 11:01 PM
neon neon is offline
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Default Re: Raising middle pairs

Hi fim,

Thanks for replying.

I wasn't stating my academic "resume," if you will, for any reason other than to show that there isn't necessarily a correlation between intelligence, level of education, or mathematical aptitude and the ability to calculate EV (because for me, my current inability to do so is the result of not knowing how to frame the problem, not a lack of understanding of high school level math). I was in no way trying to start a dick measuring contest over who's a bigger math nerd, as I'm quite certain that this English major/writer/journalist would not fare well in this regard around these parts.

I would find it rather helpful to see a general formula to use in making EV calcuations, and perhaps an application to a simple example.

Also, when I referenced playing "short," I was talking about playing shorthanded, not short-stacked. Doesn't really change a whole lot I suppose, just wanted to clarify.

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