Thread: First live game
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Old 07-11-2005, 10:44 PM
cortjstr cortjstr is offline
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 30
Default Re: Ahnuld

First off ..Richie ..this is hardly a stupid question. the guy is just asking for some tips on his first trip to the casino poker room ...what is stupid about that. Secondly, wouldn't you agree that sarcasm is one of the things bringing down the forum...just a thought

i stopped playing online about a month or so ago and only play in casinos now. I think your best option is to play premium cards (in position) for a while until you feel comfortable and then move into your normal style. I can assure you that if you are playing any level no limit you will have atleast one pro at your table perhaps more. The table i usually play at has atleast 1 or 2 every session. I enjoy playing with them and learn alot. (and yes i usually try to stay out of their way) good luck and keep us posted.
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