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Old 07-11-2005, 05:20 PM
hellite hellite is offline
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 94
Default Re: AKs gets turn checkraised.

You simply cant fold to this turn check raise. Who knows what this person is doing? Some have stated that this person is "telling you they have top pair or a set" blah blah blah. I find it extremely hard to believe this person has a set unless they are an utter and complete idiot (which also seems possible). If they were a thinking player, they would check the flop, allow the preflop raiser to bet, get the other preflop callers to call, then raise. Why bet out, allow the preflop raiser to destroy your action, and then 3-bet? Total retard move. To be expected from this clown. Call down. You raised the flop looking to knock others out and hoping for an A or K and got your wish. Given the way this dumbass played the hand, all you can do is call, call. He could have you beat, but his aggression numbers are way too high for the number of hands he plays.
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