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Old 07-11-2005, 03:54 AM
Bill Murphy Bill Murphy is offline
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Default Re: My Bustout Hand--Oh The Humanity!! Turn

I figure his most likely hands are TT, 99, 66, AA, or QJ. Based on the way the hand played out, I have to make QJ at best 50% , so I have a clear call.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, he can't have AK cuz you got the Kc. Howeverrrrrrr, w/a set seems he woulda re-pushed on the flop and w/AA seems he'd've pushed pre-flop or certainly on flop. AcQc can't see how he pushes on turn.

Kinda the old Sherlock Holmes deal: "When you've eliminated all the impossible, no matter how improbable it seems that...etc" Esp. considering the guy was a weak erratic player. There've been a number of articles written about hands like this, one by Michael Konik(although he played his hand very poorly and it was only AK).

But again, it'd've been one of the greatest laydowns ever. What if you'd had 130K left instead of 30? 230K?
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