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Old 07-11-2005, 03:48 AM
lil feller lil feller is offline
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 66
Default If you only read one response, read this one...

The reason you have a bankroll is to cushion days like today. Don't fret over the loss. If your going to fret, fret over what the loss will do to you and your poker.

Nobody here talks about what your first downswing can do to you, and they should.

Over the next several sessions you're going to be tempted to "play to get even", or some variant of it. You're going to try too hard. Its not going to work. You might even keep losing, maybe 200BB worth. Thats when the real damage is done. When that happens you'll want to crawl into a shell, afraid to play correctly because of the bad river card that will probably come. You'll turn into a super weak/tight nit, incapable of beating any game you sit in, and you'll go broke telling yourself "I'm just running bad...".

Don't let this happen to yourself. Stop the bleeding, the self-loathing, and the withering of your confidence. Losses happen, accept it, embrace it, and most importantly don't let it change your poker.

Losses are a part of playing the game. Prolonged losing streaks are a part of playing the game a lot.

Running bad is a state of mind, don't fall prey to it.

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