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Old 07-10-2005, 11:25 PM
NMcNasty NMcNasty is offline
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Default Re: I\'ve Read Barry\'s Book

I haven't read the whole thing but so far its been a major dissapointment. Its subtitle is "an advanced poker guide" so I was expecting advice that would be useful to high limit players. It seems like the first two thirds of the book is just general advice and psychology. This is good for beginners but advanced players have heard it all before. Of the last third of the book that is strategy, most of it is either standard for mid-limit or completely bizzare. There's one hand example where Barry folds trip queens to trip aces. I guess it was a great laydown but I don't see how it teaches me anything about the game.

I'm not saying the book is bad by any means, just I was expecting something along the lines of Harrington on Holdem (which I absolutely love - 800 pages front to back strategy) and I got a cross between The Psychology of Poker and a photo album.
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