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Old 07-10-2005, 10:14 PM
Rushmore Rushmore is offline
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Default Re: Featured Table selections fair or unfair??

My entire table was moved at about 9:30 PM on Saturday, to join Marcel Luske, who was sitting there by himself. It was obvious to me that the reason that we were being moved was because of the presence of a very boisterous and personable bloke by the name of Simon who was at our table. He has myriad admirers and there seemed to be a fair amount of consultation before they actually pulled the trigger on the decision. You cannot tell me it is random.

Anyway, this was a terrible thing for me (as I am generally camera shy), but I figured it was not open to discussion.

Long story short, it's boiling hot, there's a bunch of mugging for the cameras, you get maybe half as many hands dealt, and it just generally sucks.

I got there with 35K in chips and finished the night at the feature table with 41K in chips, so I cannot complain too much, but the whole thing was a drag.

But compared to the way I busted out today, the feature table was the highlight of my existnce, a shining, happy time with bunnies and a hapy talking flower and then some more bunnies.

But this is the wrong place for that story.

Bottom line: If anyone tries to sell you on the notion that the feature table draw is "totally random," punch them n the face, because they are either lying or ill-informed, and therefore require a punch in the face.

Guess I'll go post my bustout hand now. Oh, the humanity.
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