Thread: Flash to pass?
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Old 07-10-2005, 08:45 PM
DasLeben DasLeben is offline
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Default Flash to pass?

Arizona is one of the worst states for driving, partially because of people doing the speed limit (or slightly under) in the passing lane. Since most of the highways in northern AZ are 2 lanes in each direction, I constantly find myself coming up fast behind someone while they're doting along in the left lane. Now, there are 4 ways to handle this situation, IMO:

1. Deal with it
2. Pass on the right
3. Tailgate
4. Flash your brights 2-3 times

I prefer #4, in that it's a safe and, in my opinion, a civilized way of asking someone to move to the right to allow you to pass. But, 90% of the people that see me flashing brights take it as a personal attack to their masculinity. I've been flipped off, yelled at, stared down, have had people cut back into my lane and tailgate me, etc. It's very aggravating.

I'm not sure how effective this technique is in other states. Does anyone do this with any good success?
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