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Old 07-10-2005, 07:07 PM
Kumubou Kumubou is offline
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Default Re: Real jobs suck (no content)

The amount of money you can build up doing low-level poker and casino bonus whoring is mind-blowing at times.

In a way, I have no idea where any of it came from (it sure as hell is not from playing -- I have been breakeven at .5/1 for about 15,000 hands now. Whee?)

Heh, I had nearly the exact same job you did (except I was working Bath and Electrical for 20-30 hours a week at Lowe's), and I have more money in my NETeller account now than I made all of last summer (and my bank account right now, yikes). -_-;;

I could never do this for a living, though. The variance would make me go grab a butterknife and try to kill Superman.

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