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Old 07-10-2005, 12:44 PM
teajay teajay is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 56
Default Question about my Won $ WSF numbers (not quite a stat post)

Hey all,

I've recently knocked out my first 10k hands at 1/2 and have a question regarding my Won $ WSF stat.

My time at 1/2 began in my first ever large downswing (-120BB). I had a bankroll of over 2k and was very objective in analyzing my play during the time. I concluded that I was playing fine and was getting the [censored] end the variance stick so I didn't drop back down to 0.5/1. I was in the red and then hovering around 0BB/100 until 6k hands.

The last 4k hands things straightened out a bit and I managed to pull out of this with a 2.6BB/100 winrate.

Now to the point of my post....

After reading the FAQ I see that a Won $ WSF above 35 most likely means you've been "running well". Well, as I explained above, I certainly wasn't running that great over these 10k hands, so I'm trying to figure out why this number is so high.

I see the Won $ At SD is also quite high, so I'm guessing that may have something to do with it.

Any comments appreciated.

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