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Old 07-10-2005, 10:57 AM
Mr_J Mr_J is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 639
Default Re: Keeping My Bank Roll/ Improving It

"Now what i was wondering is To Improve My bank Roll I should:

1. Invest some of it into stocks etc.
2. Start Up Some Sports Betting
3. Fine Tune my Game at either the S&ng or the Ring Games."

Do all 3. You only need a small amount for poker. You need a large amount for sports, but it doesn't all need to be immediately accessible, so you can invest it in stocks or something. This puts your money to work in multiple ways.

"Oh ya 1 last question. How much does it cost monthly to live on your own. DO i have Enough? Should i try and Biuild it up?"

Depends on whether you have to pay rent well in advance or not. Best to create an 'expense account' and put at least 6months in it. This includes rent, food, clothes, gas, out money etc. Every month out more money into it so you always have at least 6 months expenses saved. More is better.

How much do you need? Totally depends on where you want to live and what you do outside poker (eg parties = free but clubs+drinks = $$$).

Keep playing lower limits ($33s are fine) until you are confident that you're decent at that level. Keep accurate records etc. $2k for a BR is fine at that level. If you drop to $1k just jump down to the $22s.
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