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Old 07-09-2005, 10:28 PM
banditdad banditdad is offline
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Posts: 386
Default Re: Paranoia Strikes Deep


It is also EXTREMELY possible for them to detect your use of PT and GT+ because they take random screenshots and view active procceses, meaning they will see PT on your task bar and in your process list, and all the little drawings on your tables from GT+.

[/ QUOTE ]

ROFLOL. You believe they can get into your computer and take a screen shot after you've left the site? I download hands, close the client, open PT and import the hands. And you think the poker sites are hacking my computer to see if I'm using PT? If you send me your address and hat size I will forward on your tinfoil hat.

BTW, read the posts, they definetly have an OMG what will we do now edge to them.
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