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Old 07-09-2005, 04:07 PM
PuertoKid PuertoKid is offline
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 97
Default My 1st letter to Party Poker regarding PokerEdge

Sent to every PartyPoker email address I could find that seemed applicable. I will be following up on several fronts...


Dear Party Poker Representative,

I have recently become aware of a product called PokerEdge. It seems that PokerEdge has set up a commercial datamining operation in which they collect statistics on Party Poker players and then they sell the data to others. I went to the PokerEdge website and saw that they have a page that will tell me if they are tracking me. Indeed, when I plugged in my Party Poker user name, the PokerEdge webpage claimed that they are tracking my play!

I am very disturbed that companies are collecting detailed information about how I play poker at Party Poker and selling that information to other players. As a casual player, I view this as clear cheating. Indeed, it appears to me that Party Poker's Terms and Conditions specifically prohibit the use of player profiling software. PokerEdge is obviously profiling players on a massive scale.

To date, I have felt that Party Poker offers a fair, fun environment in which to play online poker. However, the proliferation of player profiling software and services, specifically player profiling on a commercial level such as PokerEdge, are a threat to fair online poker play. Such software and services hurt casual players such as myself as they are set up to help the hard core poker players strip as much money from me as possible in the quickest amount of time. Not only is this bad for me, I think it is bad for the online poker industry in the long term, and very bad for Party Poker as it appears PokerEdge specifically targets Party Poker customers. Casual players like me cannot possibly feel comfortable playing at a site when we know that our every play is being recorded by unscrupulous companies that collect and then sell that data to the person playing in the next seat.

Please do something to stop this cheating! I would like to see Party Poker take action against players they detect using such software, and I would like to see Party Poker take steps to foil the companies that are collecting this data.

I would also like for Party Poker to make clear, unambiguous statements that this type of software is against the rules. There seems to be much confusion about the status of programs like PokerEdge in the online poker community. Please make the effort the clear the issue for all customers.

Party Poker has been the best online poker site at which to play. I hope it remains that way.

Thank you for your attention

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