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Old 07-09-2005, 03:30 PM
NCAces NCAces is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Cary, NC
Posts: 77
Default Re: The Mouth at again

I agree that the F-bomb rule is bogus, but they had to penalize the Mouth for this type of behavior. He got away with throwing the cards, but couldn't let it go. Then, he is simply acting like a little spoiled child to continue dropping the F-bomb knowing it would add to his penalty. He deserves everything he got here, and this is just one more example of his self-destructive ways.

As to the football analogy, they do penalize for taunting and other unsportsmanlike conduct. I suggest that if a player got into a camera, got into the crowd and started dropping the F-bomb there would be some penalty at some point.

There does have to be some level of acceptable/unacceptable behavior. For example, Tony G's latest rant in Paris should have been handled by someone coming over and telling him to chill out or get a penalty. Especially when he started banging the rail and making stupid threats. Just another example of why they have to have some rules ... wish it wasn't so, but it is.

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