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Old 07-09-2005, 03:18 PM
Shoe Shoe is offline
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Mil-town
Posts: 98
Default Re: The Mouth at again

Personally, I don't think there should be any penalty.

Do players in the NFL get a penalty if they swear after dropping the ball, or if the quarterback yells fu[/i]ck after throwing an interception, or if a batter in baseball is pissed that he swung and missed and lets out a little frustration????

This is the big leagues, and players are going to be playing with everything they got. Other sports don't punish it, why should poker?

Now, if you were swearing at a person or trying to insult them with swears, then that defnitely deserves a penalty, but just dropping the f-bomb out of frustration, not directing it at anyone does not really deserve a penalty, IMO. This isn't freaking kindegarden.

EDIT: However, I rarely swear myself (probably never would at a major tournament in public), so I guess I should support the rule since it would most likely only help me and never hurt me, but I still think it is a dumb rule. After all, we are all adults.
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