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Old 07-09-2005, 07:43 AM
pokerjoker pokerjoker is offline
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Default Re: Perfect Poker Bots

Ive been thinking about a decent ammount recently. They say poker is about making decisions with imperfect odds. I think what makes someone a good player is they play with more "perfect" odds.

hypothetical example. You know from poker tracker that when someone raises preflop 6x the big blind that
25% they have kk
25% they have aa
30% they have aks
20% they have two suited connectors below q

you have qq

the bot would figure out the implied odds for this situation based on previous plays from opponent and determine if calling would +EV. and would probable depend on how far the opponent will go against a set of q's but if you knew the percentages for everything to occur this could be an exact calculation. You would need a HUGE sample set for a decent opponent however and the opponents sample would have to be in sync with his current playing.

The difficult part to program in my opinion would be two things

1. Making moves...this could be done based on opponents previous loses to say check raises vs just betting out but would be very difficult to program to the level of intelligence of a good player.

2. THE BIG PROBLEM....this might not matter in lower limit games but the bot has to account for the opponents perception of it. Has it been playing tight recently, loose? Is the opponent paying attention to this?

I could see using random numbers to vary play slightly but it would be VERY difficult to make a bot unpredictable enough to win money against decent opponents.

Could you just make 100 of them and set them loose at $25 tables? Maybe.....
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