Thread: 2+2 mIRC Chat
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Old 07-08-2005, 03:00 AM
kipin kipin is offline
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Posts: 30
Default Re: 2+2 mIRC Chat

Not pathetic in any way. You call me stupid, and that's a lie. I don't take kindly to people proclaiming falsehoods. I correct it. Pretty simple. You try to cover your errors by saying "Oh, I was just poking fun at you".

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I'm not trying to correct anything, nor am I agreeing with your own assessment of yourself, but you are proving my point all by yourself.

See, instead of taking action and being a man about things and addressing the argument at hand, you go off on a tangent and start poking fun like a child.

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What exactly are you trying to discuss? The fact that I am "scum" only "capable of insults" (Do you see the problem with your own argument here?) or your ridiculous assumption of IRC?


You are scum. You are only capable of insults and immature name-calling, and you avoid the facts. The fact-being, you banned me because you follow the ideology of "Disagree with El Diablo and it's like you called my mother a whore". Fact-being, you didn't even get a chance to know me before you started hating me and banning me at random. Fact-being, you're a child who uses your ops powers in IRC to feel more like an authoritative figure.

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'Twas not I who banned you, mayhap you should get the facts before you further proceed to make yourself look like a fool. I stand by my original assessment of you, scroll up if you need to be reminded of just exactly what it was.

By the way, wasn't it you, not I who started the "immature name-calling"?
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