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Old 07-07-2005, 04:11 PM
citanul citanul is offline
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 64
Default Re: \"Fold, keep your image tight so you can steal more later\"

"going out of your way and passing up good spots in order to possibly change the way one or two opponents might think about you"

I rarely go out of my way to pass up these +ev opportunities. Playing these situations aggressively is just as important for your table image as playing tight and folding allot. As long as my read tells me I am ahead I will call or raise. I once put my tounament on the line to call another 2+2ers all in raise with K-5o because I was sure he was raising any 2. sure enough he had a 8xo type hand. He won the hand but from that play on he will never confuse my tight game with a weak game. Level 1-3 is the only exception where I am a little less aggressive with these spots because I know I can still find them after level 4. For example lets say its level 1 and I hold AK facing an all in bet. my read says I am most likely a coin flip but there is only a slight chance he may be holding a dominated A. I will easily fold here. My reads are good enough that I can pass on probable coin flips and take them later when the correlation is higher for me to finish itm.

[/ QUOTE ]


a few points i guess:

a) no one was talking about you in particular.
b) most of these spots are spots that get responses of "fold to preserve tight image" are preflop blind steal spots, so all the reading in the world isn't going to help you know what the blinds have before they act
c) "as long as my read tells me i am ahead i will call or raise" is just plain stupid. it shows a clear lack of tournament theory understanding, leading to
d) "once put my tournament on the line to call..." yeah, he's never going to confuse you for a good player again. just because you made a call that made his play -ev does not mean that you were personally taking the +ev. you were almost undoubtably giving it to the other players at table, if we're talking any reasonable spot. i don't know why you think that calling off your whole stack with trash is some sort of "anti-weak" but it has nothing to do with it.
e) if you're sure that every game you're going to be able to find spots later in the game that are great, i envy you. me, sometimes i have tournaments where all my reasonable hands to play are in the early stages of the game, and my late game is dominated by me pushing trash by necessity.
f) oh my god, you're for real? you fold AK facing a preflop all in in level 1? i bow to your superior poker prowess. seriously. i'm sure you're WAY ahead SO often at the 200s.
g) i think you have some issues understanding how bad passing up significant edges is early in the game. though that isn't directly stated in your post.

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