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Old 07-07-2005, 03:27 PM
citanul citanul is offline
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 64
Default Re: \"Fold, keep your image tight so you can steal more later\"

loosening up a little bit probably wouldn't hurt you, unless your post flop skills are bad. you probably can make a profit playing exactly the way you are now, but as you move up, adding some other abilities beyond "i'm tight" will be important.

in general, the advice i'm crticizing is given about spots where stealing the blinds would be reasonable, but some deem it unnecessary, for various reasons, including "image."

my overall goal is to hopefully make people think more about image, and what they sacrifice to get it, or to more accurately, make them think about what they sacrifice in hopes of getting it, in spots where it is unlikely to have any effect at all.

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