Thread: Why Poker?
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Old 07-07-2005, 11:37 AM
stripsqueez stripsqueez is offline
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Default Re: Why Poker?

i read the title before opening and mentally answered the question with "because its a competitive game" - since childhood i have addictively played games - some games you can master and once i do i go from having to play them virtually everyday for a big chunk of the day to never playing them again overnight - arcade games were the early victims - other games you never master and that creates a conundrum for me because i cant stop playing them so now i have a couple of accumulated addictions of which poker is 1

but poker holds a different lure for me which is that i love to gamble - if i can bet money on something i always do - i gamble on several games of chance (i love craps the most) although for some reason i'm yet to fully fathom i have never lost more than i could afford to lose and i have never played games of chance addictively - if i can beat something i can bet on i always eventually do - horses, sports, and various card games are all long term winners for me now although i have all but given up horses because over the last 20 odd years it takes a lot of work to beat - but it did provide me with a living for several years in my late teens and early twenties

in terms of my plan to master poker (which i'm aware will never happen for anybody) it doesnt centre on playing better players at higher limits - i play up to 40/80 on-line but i think i derive more wisdon from playing 3/6 stud8 or 1/2 draw or tournaments or even regressing down to low limit short handed games - making a good living putting in 1,000 odd hands a day at a mid limit game of some description i can beat gives me plenty of time to indulge the lessons

i suspect that ultimately ring games arent going to do it for me - tournaments have a far better competitive edge

i have wondered how it is that i became like this - it might of been a horse called leonards inn that i had a dollar each way on at 100/1 that got up by a nose when i was 13 - or it could be that my great grandfather was a bookmaker in england in the 1800's - or it could be that i'm just the most competitive person i know - which ever way i've grown into loving it

stripsqueez - chickenhawk
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