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Old 07-07-2005, 10:50 AM
teddyFBI teddyFBI is offline
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 99
Default Re: PokerAce Hud - Version 0.20 Released - PokerStars Support!

I think it's safe to say that I'm officially a convert from PV (although as i've said 100 times before, I've never regretted that purchase for an instant).

A couple suggestions, if you wouldn't mind:

1. Can you make it possible for the mucked cards to be displayed for a little longer? I find they appear, and then disappear after about 2 seconds...if more than 1 person saw showdown, sometimes it's tough to take in all the mucked cards (esp. when you have other tables you're playing). I think in PV they more or less stay displayed until the next hand is dealt, which I actually'd just have to find some way to ensure that they never covered up the view of your own cards from the current hand (i.e. make them a background object or something).

2) Can you have an option to display the showdown BOARD as well, as PV does? It's nice seeing mucked cards, but that's only half the story, as you have to see the board that the opponent was calling with.

3) silly questions: if I upgrade to a more recent version of PA, my layout doesn't get tossed, does it? It is 'saved' even during upgrades, right?

That's all the suggestions for now (oh, and I'll repeat the suggestion to somehow transfer the layout from 10 max over to the 9max and 6max took me near 90 minutes to get the 10max the way i like it...i don't relish the idea of having to repeat it for the other layouts...i'd just like the stats that i have displayed around each player box to be copied (if nothing else, let us copy the formatting and ranges/colors...that took me even longer than the positioning).
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