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Old 07-06-2005, 09:50 PM
citanul citanul is offline
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 64
Default Re: \"Fold, keep your image tight so you can steal more later\"

AMEN. Just wanted to thank you because I've always thought that image was overrated and its nice to hear it from a respected poster.

[/ QUOTE ]

Someone just informed me that Eastbay made a very similar post while I was away, and it got no notice. =( sad times when Eastbay posts to no avail.

I'm really serious about this one. I think that this topic is very important, and that yes, it's even important at the 11s and such. The people who are prone to make the silly adjustments to their calling ranges are just about as likely to do it just the first time you push as they are the 6th time you push. The ones who start to call with JTs because "I knew you had crap," well, you weren't going to dissuade them by folding ONE EXTRA TIME. I argue that it is rare that the chips you get in additional theoretical folding equity by improving your image by one fold is very rarely worth giving up one reasonably +cEV spot earlier in a tournament.

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