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Old 07-06-2005, 08:19 PM
Mallick Mallick is offline
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Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 20
Default Datamining question

A while ago, I saw a thread here on datamining, did some searching, and found out how it works. I'm just learning the ins and outs of Poker Tracker. In the thread I found a couple weeks ago, one or two people talked about datamining to a different database than the one they use for the data from the tables they actually play on. So a database for datamining, and another database for your actual play.

My question is, is this how most people do it? A couple things don't make sense. One, when I sit at a table, and open a GameTime window, I have to choose which database to use. So if I have mined hands from some players in one database, and some in another, it makes one of the two useless. So should I just be putting it all into one DB? And just have a database for, say, Party $2/$4?

Also, since I've done some already, is there any way for me to "combine" the two databases I have? They are basically, as I mentioned above, one with my hands, the other just mined hands.

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