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Old 07-06-2005, 04:07 PM
Brian Brian is offline
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Default Re: 9c8c blind defense at 3/6

I wouldn't ever call here pre-Flop, especially against someone who is a suspected 2+2'er. Playing out of position against a good player with a marginal hand (which 98s most certainly is) isn't how you make money at these games. Because you are out of position, you are often not going to be able to get the most out of your good hands, while your opponent will be able to extract the most out of you when he has the best of it.

98s is a much bigger underdog here than most people think. While 98s is only a 2:3 underdog against two overcards, that's assuming you see all 5 cards. Are you going to ever hit that Ten when the Flop comes QJ5? Or are you going to look for a 9 or 8 when the Flop is 643?

And I know I don't have to mention how disgusting things are when you're playing a tiny pot with two undercards vs. a big pair.

I'd have played the hand exactly the same post-Flop.

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