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Old 07-06-2005, 12:59 AM
Cooker Cooker is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 159
Default Re: Sentience, free will, and that which makes us tick

There is much interesting research going on investigating exactly what our brains actually are doing. It is very unclear how we initiate our actions, and I doubt it is even safe to say with 100% certainty that humans even are sentient to the extend we believe. I am too lazy to post proper sources, but there was a recent experiment where people were told to randomly flick their wrist at a later time. Their brain activity was monitored and it turns out that the signal was sent from the brain after the wrist was flicked.

In some sense, the human brain allows us to operate at a higher level than other animals (similar to thinking on higher levels in poker) which is probably what our biologial niche actually is. Human brains have a theory of the mind for other animals built in, and I think it is possible our conscinousness is simply a by product or this. Being aware of other animals intentions made us aware of ourselves, but we are still mostly animals responding to the direct stimuli around us with fairly preprogrammed responses. This is why I am drawn to poker by the way.
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