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Old 07-05-2005, 03:54 PM
unlucky513 unlucky513 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Cincinnati, OH
Posts: 44
Default I\'m way too competitive

"i hate losing more than i love winning"
not sure which tennis player said that, but that is me in a nutshell. i take losing personally, and it often ruins my mood. this was never a problem when playing sports because the game was over, losing wouldnt affect my play.

however, you have to keep playing if you're playing poker. i often go on tilt after losing because it hurts.. i'm not mad about losing the money, i'm mad about losing in general. the fact that i can make the perfect play and still lose sickens me.

my question is, what can i do (other than walking away) to help lessen the blow of losing? does anyone else have this problem?
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