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Old 07-05-2005, 02:37 AM
nothumb nothumb is offline
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 90
Default Re: Advice for college

1. Always, always wrap it up. Assuming you can get any.

2. Try to get in the habit of doing 1-2 hours of studying in the afternoon. Especially if you have the time between classes and would otherwise spend it loafing. This allows you to get away with those nights where you take a few bong rips and pass out with a bag of dinner mints on your lap.

3. Make sure you know the names of all your professors, and try to make their acquaintance early, sit in the front of the class for at least a week or two. You can always sit in the back and sleep or cut it later if you want to; for Christ's sake at least but in a little real work.

4. If you haven't registered yet, don't be a donk overachiever and take too many classes, or all serious ones. Do that in the spring.

5. Wear shower shoes. I repeat, WEAR SHOWER SHOES.

6. Wear a snazzy suit every now and then just to mess with people.

7. No serious relationships until spring semester, preferably not until sophomore year. Don't be that guy who disappears into some needy girl's vagina and gets forgotten by November. It won't work out.

8. No drinking after 2 PM on Sunday.

9. "I have a boyfriend back home," actually means, "I'll regret this a little bit, but I'm almost drunk enough. You can get away with not calling me since I'll feel a good bit of shame about this anyway."

10. See rule number 1.

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