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Old 07-04-2005, 02:01 PM
MagicAntonio MagicAntonio is offline
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Default Re: Confidence, define it and how does one get it.

It's like this dude: success with the ladies is all about the perfect pick up line.

First a little human nature: There's nothing in this world that anyone likes to talk about more than they like to talk about themselves. So whatever line you use, make it a question about her. But steer away from the boring or clichéd ones: "Where do you work?" "Do you come here often?" "What's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?" There's a better approach, and one that'll not only kick open the door of conversation but cast you in a favorable light, too.

Ask her something like, "What do you do that you like?" This immediately gets her talking about something that gets her excited, and it also makes it clear to her that you're not the usual unimaginative troll she's used to running into. For even more finesse, try, "What puts a light in your eye?" This tells her you've got romance in your soul, not ever a bad thing. To take a more intellectual/philosophical approach, ask, "What's the most important thing you know?" or "What do you believe in?" That shows her you're deep, and gives her a chance to get deep right along with you.

-Antonio, President of Rocks & Rings
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