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Old 07-04-2005, 02:34 AM
jimymat jimymat is offline
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Kansas City
Posts: 90
Default Im done ( long, do not respond, just venting )

Lost the last of my bankroll today. Two months worth of nothing but bad beats in my Poker Tracker folders. It is beyond amazing how long you can run bad. Everything is out of sync. I already took my two weeks off and came back to some of the worst beats I have ever seen. What would ever posses a person to call a 6xBB with K 6 offsuit is beyond me. Ive been playing for over three years know and I feel that the game can not be beat. There are to many players that flood these online games with there "any two will do" strategy which is fine but the luck factor has just gotten to bad for me. I am a rock with a vpip of around 16%. Basically I just sit there and wait for situations where my opponent is drawing to either 5 outs or less. It has worked for years but the variance lately has been somehow high enough to wipe my whole bankroll (over 1200 BB's. I am physically ill, not due the $ but the suckouts. I cant stand losing to these donks over and over when I got them drawing almost dead and then BANG, miracle card on the river to squeeze them out of yet another dunce call they made in the first place. Im questioning the whole game and now feel that I am a fluke. That my wins were nothing but + variance and that these people calling ridicuolus size bets I make on the turns somehow know that there card is going to be there. Ive been getting people betting into me with gutshots, either as semibluffs or cause they feel they actually have a good draw, and hitting all day. Ive reviewed my plays and Im to god damn tight aggresive to be doing anything wrong. I now have no bankroll. Impossible to rebuild on the smaller tables. Any one playing 3-6 or less is wasting there time or playing for entertainment value only. I have no confidence. I now expect to lose. Every hand I play correctly and punish the draws and push my edge and continue to value bet only to get checkraised. Unbelievable. I have no will. I feel that poker has become just like the casinos and the only true winner over time is the rake. I have no desire to win anymore. Poker has really sucked the life out of me. All the time invested in studing the game and your opponents is wasted time.
Poker is my only hobbie and I have nothing else except work. The void I now have to fill is huge. Not to sound like a baby but I feel betrayed by the game and the odds that never seem to hold up. Good players who know the odds and the longshots know what Im talking about. This run of badbeats has taken my whole bankroll and there is no sense in depositing more and losing it. I feel like screaming and pulling my hair out. I honestly can not do this anymore. It was nice while it lasted and the money was good but when variance runs this bad this long I believe I am just fooling my self to carry on. Sorry so long but I have no one to talk to about this and it is seriously driving me insane that the numbers never seem to hold up. Not even about the money like I said. I could care less. The integrity of the game has been destroyed for me and I dont see myself returning to the game .

This is my last post, no one will mind, never really developed a friendship with anyone on here, wish everyone good luck and please dont respond. I wont be reading it. Thanks
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