Thread: Jerk on Party
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Old 07-03-2005, 02:05 PM
SomethingClever SomethingClever is offline
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Default Jerk on Party

Ok, I'm gonna out this guy's screen name because he deserves it.

I was at a very nice table when this guy began berating the other players after nearly every hand.

So, I try to defend the fish a bit, which leads to this guy challenging me to a HU match, offering to buy me a plane ticket to his house (presumably to fight him????) and making obscure threats.

After he left the table, he even threatened me through one of those table invites, saying stuff like "I've got a surprise for you... you shouldn't use your real name on you poker account" etc.. I think he was referring to my screen name, which is a person's name, but not mine.

Anyway, should I report him? Should I be worried about him trying to hack into my account?

His username is Gotohellmuth and he's a real prick.
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