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Old 07-03-2005, 12:14 AM
Cyrus Cyrus is offline
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Default Wrong-o

The Democrats don't say [this was wrong]. They get on TV today and act like they never signed that document.

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Can you provide us with one example of a Democrat going on TV and claiming he or she never signed "that document", while he or she actually did?

Shouldn't be too hard to find such an example, since they all do it.

[The Dems] act like they KNEW there were no WMD. Like they KNEW there was no link between Iraq and Al-Qaida.

[/ QUOTE ] The war's opponents, including some Democrats, have always maintained that the evidence for the existence of WMDs or aa link between Qaeda and Saddam were flimsy and unconvincing, at best. Being forced to make a choice, and irrespective of the political pressure extant at the time, a lot of the war's opponents signed on the "document".

(Having only Yes or No as choices, a person who faces two questions will answer Yes or No, even if the probabilities are vastly different each time. Here's where true courgae should have come in, from the war's opponents' side: They should have refused to sign on and then adopt a third platform of political/military policy regarding the war on terror.)

[The Democrats] were apparently so afraid that [the claims about WMDs and al Qaeda] might have been true that they were willing to sign this document to protect themselves.

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Well, this is too far fetched, really, (if they knew the claims might've been true, they would've handled things differently) but say anything you want about those cowardly Dems, I'd agree with ya!
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