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Old 07-02-2005, 03:20 AM
mc1023 mc1023 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 31
Default Re: Confused in Scugog

I really need to make a comment about these posts.

It seems like you are saying that there is no point in raising ATo here since the blinds and poster will call with literally any two cards. Also that if they hit the flops they are going to overplay their hands assuming you are weak.

Now even if I knew that the poster would call any two, including the blinds and I have 0% chance of getting a fold from any of the 3 players I would still raise. Why? Simply because if they are willing to call me with dominated and just plain donk hands I am very +ev.

Your trying to put your "mass psychology" into a simple 20-40 game where the players are awful and making mistakes with the illusion that there is more money to be won since there is a poster so they should call with any two cards.

and your final statement in the end, about "sometimes play the 2nd best hand like the 2nd best hand" just clarifies to me that you are weak in this kind of spot where you should clearly raise. Since before you see the action of the blinds and the poster you are already thinking that they will run you over.

If the other players see you limping with ATo or maybe even AJo in this spot and you go to showdown. One of those times you get AA or KK maybe they will not opt to call with there 27o since they know you will not steal attempt in this kind of situation.

To add to that your basically assuming before you even see the flop and get into the hand that they see you having a weak hand and will play aggressively towards you with marginal holdings.

I just can't possibly see the theory of how this would be a bad situation to be in.

Three awful players giving action with possibly just disgusting hands and on top of that they will be willing to overplay their cards.

Anyone else sense weakness?
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