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Old 07-02-2005, 12:44 AM
jman220 jman220 is offline
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Join Date: May 2005
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Default I\'m barely beating the 5/10 sh game, help appreciated

Total Hands: 17,713
VP$IP: 28.41
VP$IP From SB: 37.81
Folded SB To Steal: 76.91
Folded BB To Steal: 54.41
Att To Steal Blinds: 20.47
Won $ WSF: 38.68
Amount Won: $1,307.97 BB/100 0.74
Went To SD %: 37.17
Won $ At SD %: 51.10
PFR: 11.83

More Detailed Stats:
Saw Flop All Hands: 33.85%
Saw Flop Not a Blind: 24.06%

Folded SB To Steal: 76.91
Folded BB To Steal: 54.41
Folded BB To Steal HU: 51.36

Blind Defense Times Fold Ww/oSD WSD W$SD
Small Blind 139 31.64 27.34 41.01 47.37
Big Blind 346 39.60 20.81 39.60 49.64

Att. To Steal Blinds: 20.47%

Steal Success: No Flop% Fold% Ww/oSD% WSD% W$SD%
22.66% 14.47 48.10 37.43 53.13

Won $ WSF: 38.68

Went To SD: 37.17
W$ at SD: 51.10
Raised PF: 11.83
Limp/Call Reraise PF: 0.00 (Am I missing situations where I should be?)

First Action on Flop AFter a PF Raise:

Raise: 10.11%
Bet: 61.69%
Call: 4.91%
Check: 7.82%
C/R: 0.67%
Fold: 3.44%
NF/NA: 11.36%

Folded To River Bet: 28.63%

Total Aggro Factor: 1.34.

I stopped writing the advanced stats whne I realized they weren't lining up properly, is there a way I can take a ss of my pokertracker stats and post them here? If anyone can tell me how, I'd appreciate it, I've done a search and cant' find out how. My main thought on my problem is that my preflop play is ok, but I am too aggro postflop. Any and all help is much appreciated.
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