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Old 06-30-2005, 12:02 AM
bholdr bholdr is offline
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Default Re: President gives speech Dems spaz....

He did say when the troops will leave He has said it numerous times.
When the Iraqis can stand on their own.
Granted there was not much new in his speech.
There was not much new in the Dems response either.
Any points for staying the course ?

[/ QUOTE ]

he might as well have said "when pigs fly".

Defering a question of timing to another question of timing is a non-answer, a cowardly evasion of the real issue, which is, obviously, "WHEN will we be able to leave, WHEN will the iraqis be able to 'stand on their own'?" Bush did NOT answer, because he has no answer, because he and the rest of the Neo-con establishment are STILL working off of the same obviously invalid set of assumptions that landed us in this big freaking mess in the first place- assumptions about the iraqi reaction, the superiority and feasability of an iraqi of democracy, the strength and capacities of our forces, etc.

Bush in iraq:

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